I'm beginning to think writing a novel really begins when the deal comes.
I've always been serious about my writing. And I write obsessively. 4 manuscripts at various stages that I've produced in 19 months. And I've got the next plot line for the third book in the NO-NAME series - but I should get book 2 beyond the first draft stage before I write it. It's safe. In my head. Ready when my schedule is.
But with all the things happening lately, I'm keenly aware of how much work there is. Editing, re-writes, finding a new title (Lord have mercy, I thought renaming the one character was hell), just getting everything done that needs to be done.
So, today, I'm sorting out the new office space and getting everything organized. It's slow going, but I'm also thinking and working on that new title - I even have a few ideas - and I'm getting pretty exciting at the thought of getting my book out there.
A great mess, I know, but here's the new office set-up:

Yep, those targets really are from my last time handling a gun. Well, the more pathetic of the two. The other one is Kevin's. He being military trained he's a pretty decent shot.
And guess what? In all the cleaning, I found a bunch of pictures of me! Well, and the niece and older nephew and such. But most of these are me. Avert your eyes or assume the consequences.

I've always like the one bottom right, me in the blue and yellow. My mother painstakingly trying to straighten my hair for picture day and me with that evil look in my eye that you probably can't see well here.
But that gets me off the hook with finding a recent photo or breaking a camera. I took these shots on my new camera phone, so they aren't great, but I like the phone!
And now I'm going to go take those horrid photos of me down.
And have dinner with my hubby (sorry Bernita), who brought home my favourite pizza and roses.
In the one of you in the blue and yellow you look as if you're plotting something.
Yeah Kate, even at an early age I was scheming! I don't look that different from my grad photo, I guess. Other than the fact I don't have bangs anymore.
You're new office space looks great! I have pictures of myself. In a box somewhere. Or maybe my mother has them...
I'm so sentimental. ::roll eyes::
What you can't see is that on the other side of the tall desk, there's a book shelf backing it, then a Muskoka chair, then another bookshelf and it's a cozy little reading corner where I'm surrounded by my favourite books. And there is always one cat sleeping on the Muskoka chair when I'm not sitting there.
And the rest of this room is an absolute mess. Well, okay, so's the desks...
Oh and I look like my grad photo, but don't have bangs and I am older. And I usually wear glasses. But don't tell James - that'll feed his geek fetish.
It's the sinister bear that worries me.
I feel so left out - it seems everyone is sharing pics of their writing space - but my dern digital camera is broken.
thanks for sharing, though- it's always fun to see other's work spaces!
James, he's a mighty good guard bear!
Dennie, when you get your camera fixed, start a new trend and show us your office. I should have used the digital camera instead of the camera phone - the pix would be better.
His and hers perpetrator targets. I love it!
Love your office chair. Now I'm inspired to take a picture of my little office...well, it's more of a corner, but it's all mine!
Nice to meet you, by the way, M.G. Tarquini told me about you. =)
LOL Jason! And if you had the close-up, you'd know why I behave! I was just pleased to hit the darn paper.
Dana, nice to meet you! I've certainly heard about you. Lies, all of it, I'm sure. (Just kidding - very nice things!)
And hey, you guys, I'm woefully behind. If I haven't put a link to your blog, please email me. And I promise that in a bout of insomnia I'll put you up!
sandra.ruttan @spinetinglermag.com - just remove the space.
oh, and about the chair: my husband insisted on buying that from Pier 1 a few years ago. The cats have scratched it up and it hardly matches anything else, but it is such a comfy chair to work on. I love it.
What is it with writers and cats?
I adopted a stray that gets the sh*t kicked out of it every day and comes home bloody and mean.
It's ears are shredded and it now has a permenent Elvis' snear. The damn thing scratches the only piece of funiture I own, that I care about - my Grandmother's rocker. I don't have the heart to punish it or get rid of it.
I think I empathize with it too much. It has a lot of a writer's characteristics....
Re-titleing books has to be the biggest pain in the arse there is with this writing malarkey.
Mind you, I always thought writing a manuscript started with actually sitting down and put words onto paper, so whadda I know? ;}# First draft = writing. Second draft = editing. Third draft = madness. Madness = beer. Beer = fun. And falling over. And maybe lewd behaviour involving duck tape. Mmm, sticky ducks...
I've known some psycho cats worthy of having a villain modelled after them!
Stuart, how about naming the book after the method of murder? What exactly would that have made Cold Granite?
Beer is only fun until you fall over. Then there's usually waves of nauseau involved, and that's never a good thing. But I expect to see some lewd behaviour at Harrogate, what with John planning to be there...
Aaaaw you were a really pretty kid, Sandra. I like the highschool photo of you too. 4 manuscripts in 19 months?! WOW!
Yep Trace, pretty evil.
And I'm nothing if not verbose, at least in writing. Hence the "blabber" tag.
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