Friday, January 13, 2006

Humbits or Rabmans or Bunmans

Usually, I have to go to CNEWS to find the truly bizarre.

Not today. Nope. Hand delivered, as it were, right into my "in" box. Scientists to create rabbit-human hybrid. WTF? What exactly would be the point of creating a rabbit-human hybrid? To give everyone big ears? Or floppy ears? Or to make a group of extra-fertile people? Okay, maybe the Scottish should try for that, what with their population decline and all...

But of all things, rabbits. And what would we call this new species, as it were? The whole 'Timbit' thing in Canada has given some appeal to Humbits, but I think Bunmans is a strong second.

Of course, a fringe benefit could be the ability to hop. I wonder how high a human could hop if they had the hopping ability of a rabbit. Maybe not over my house, but the shed? The doghouse, at least?

Imagine a police officer with that ability, hunting down a lowly human. One leap and he could squish him.

Okay, maybe I should go read the darned article and see what the point is. But no matter what the convoluted explanation, I still think it's a pretty damn strange idea.

Though with teeth like mine, I suppose I'd be considered very attractive to a half-rabbit...


JamesO said...

It's a wasted opportunity, really. They could have made a human/dog hybrid. Then all us blokes would be able to...

Sorry, that was tasteless, and lowered the tone of an otherwise morally upstanding blog;}#

Sandra Ruttan said...

Morally upstanding? Maybe by comparison to John and Stuart, not that I want to get into any piss... erm, never mind.

But morally upstanding? Have you read this blog? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Not that a humbit isn't a great visual, researchers often do this sort of thing to be able to do animal studies in which the results better track what will happen in humans.

Sandra Ruttan said...

But does it have a soul? And if so, does it have free will and the right to make its own decisions?

And if it does and wants to grow up and get married some day, would that be beastiality?

The questions are endless.

James Goodman said...

That is bizarre. I wonder if it will be male or female.

if they do it at all they should at least have the common courtesy to create to of them, so that it isn't cursed with being truly unique.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Good point James. I quite agree. To be the only one of your species would be truly bizarre.

Something for the sci fi writers to play with, though.

Sandra Ruttan said...

So our little hybrid encounters the big bad (misunderstood) wolf and says, "My what big ears you have... but not as big as mine!"

Umm. Carrots.

Sandra Ruttan said...

And I hate to admit it, but in high school I had the nickname Thumper.

Don't ask.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Maybe it should be a contest. Who can guess why? I bet you'd never guess, not about such a fine lady like me.

Sandra Ruttan said...

How about E. None of the above.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Oh yeah, once they figured out it wasn't an earthquake they realized it was just the half-rabbit stomping down the hall.

WannabeMe said...

My eyes aren't working today -

They called you thumper or humper?

*hits self with a book*

Bad Bunion, bad, bad Bunion.

You KNOW ya'all were thinking it!

Sandra Ruttan said...

I don't know Lisa! Do we have nominations for "Peter"?

And I don't mind about the link - I'm going to add you too!

Glad your monitor survived! It's amazing how much fun you can have on the blogs. You guys give me so much to snort milk up my nose over.

Mindy Tarquini said...

Better a humbit, than a humbug.

Bardawill...carrots. I so knew that for you, it would be carrots.

Confessions of a Starving Mystery Writer said...

I heard there was a cabbit(Cat & Rabbit) already roaming somewhere in Canada.

A Humbit? Female, hmmmm might work. Increased libido, but then likes to knaw on stuff - nope don't like it.

...Though I don't know maybe the Bunions...

Confessions of a Starving Mystery Writer said...

A jackalope. Fast and fur-oius?

I'll leave the root comment alone.