Jon and Ruth Jordan did more than talk. They worked their butts off and got the magazine going, and, along with editor extraordinaire Jen Jordan, have been instrumental in building Crimespree to what it is today.

You will find few people who are more supportive of the genre than the Jordan’s. Julia Buckley joked the other day that I could be considered an alternate fuel source, but I haven’t got anything on the Crimespree Clan. Jen is sharp, articulate, and did a fantastic job on the reviewing ethics panel. She is also quite bubbly and easy to talk to. Jon is a wealth of information – he knows everybody in this business and he’s the life of the party.

Tribe, Cornelia Read, Moi at the Crimespree Party
And Ruth is the backbone. My word, she’s organized! When we were packing up to leave Madison and head back to Milwaukee, I said I’d like to get a drink. Next thing I know Ruth is putting two bottles in my hands. She’s also responsible for helping organize B’con, and I honestly don’t know how she handles Jon, never mind runs a magazine and plans conventions! When does she sleep?
It’s appropriate to cry like a baby when people who’ve given so much to the business are recognized for it. I’ve been poking through the Crimespree special Bouchercon issue and it’s wonderful. As always.
I hate to think I’m done blogging about B’con, but I pretty well am. Well, other than The Truth About Dave White video, a bit about the panels and some remaining photos I’ll post over the weekend.
The thing is, I really hate to think it’s over.
Oh, I was ready for it to be over. I mean, I packed the weekend full. Sunday afternoon I crashed on the Jordan’s couch and Jon laughed at me that I was B’conned out. Indeed, I was. My throat was sore, my eyes burned from lack of sleep and my stomach hurt from laughing at Russel’s antics.
So, a few favourite things of B’con.
Favourite Panel:
Xtreme Writing. Oh. My. God. Put Duane and Sunshine together any day of the week, add Russel in for good measure, and it’s a three-way I don’t want to miss! Although I have to tell you Al, JT says, “He does not look like the master of pussy snorkeling.”
I heard someone ordered some and shipped them to Al, so maybe he’ll actually see what one looks like, although I don’t see how he can use it with Duane. Unless there’s something about Duane I don’t know.
Favourite Line:
After Cornelia Read talked about how much her books are influenced by her own life, she talked about sending the book to her editor, who said, “The husband is really whiny.”
Cornelia responded, “Well, yeah.”
My best sales line:
After I introduced Mark Billingham and Cornelia Read I told Mark Cornelia uses the word cunt in fiction better than anyone. He said I’d sold him on getting a copy right there.
Then Mark told Cornelia that mentoring me I’d be phoning up crying in the middle of the night. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone that I do that to him, and he should be thankful. At least when it’s the middle of the night here it’s daytime at his house! (Joking. I think when Mark met me he got his number unlisted.)
The cutest guy I hugged:

I could try and list all the people I was thrilled to meet, but I will forget someone, so I won’t. I do think my BEST MOMENT was when Jess Lourey told me my blog had been banned by the conference hotel for using the word ‘spanking’. I really don’t know what the fuck their problem was.
And now, I must really sit down and try to get some work done. Spinetingler interviews, profiles, reviews. And I have to catch up on all the blogs I haven’t read in the past week. Plus I have a short story due for an anthology. And a profile...
Before I bid adieu today, I want to mention two things.
One: Spinetingler in Print
The print issue of Spinetingler is available for purchase. Re: Are we going to ever go full board and try to be an in store magazine? Not unless someone else fronts the money. Too much work. Are we going to make the back issues available for print purchase? We’re working on it. Maybe by the end of the year.
Truly, Kevin does so much and he’s got another course coming up with the fire department, so I don’t want to put any pressure on him about it.
Two: Charity Contribution
I’m contributing to a charity fundraiser for Love Without Boundaries. I’ve got to tell you, I can’t imagine a manuscript edit from me or an ARC of my book being big sellers, but it was important to me to get involved.
Many of you know that I spent most of my adult career working with special needs children. Love Without Boundaries is about helping orphaned children in China with physical needs get surgery, or assistance. I know what it is to learn to walk again after partially severing my foot as a child. Last year I worked in the field, one of my boys had endured multiple surgeries for two club feet. I know what it’s like to deal with the physio, but not even I know what it’s like for a little boy to live with that pain.
My own grandmother suffered brain damage as a child from a fall. Some of my closest friends grew up being bounced from one foster home to another with no real sense of family or belonging. It took no more than a heartbeat for me to decide I wanted to do something to help Julie’s worthy cause.
My contributions are miniscule, but there might be something else there that interests you. Don’t feel obligated, but if you’re interested, check it out.
Maybe some day, Kevin and I will consider adopting. Until then, this will hopefully make life a little better for a child, and I think Julie Kenner is a beautiful person for doing this.
And the world needs more beautiful people, like Julie, and Jon, Ruth and Jen Jordan.
My heartfelt thanks to all of them.

With Steve Brewer

With John McFetridge and Mike Harrison

With Satan ;) aka Joe Konrath

With Sarah Byrne – Sarah in Canberra for all the DL folk!

With my very funny, charming roomie, Julia Buckley
Tomorrow I am going to attempt to delve into panels, and I'm having a bit of technical trouble with The Truth About Dave White. At least, that's what I'm calling it. Waiting on word from my lawyer and hope to have it up on the weekend...
No Sandra, you left out my explanation about the Guthrie pussy snorkel. I said he looks so sweet and nice, I can't imagine him being this pervert everyone says he is :)
But looks are deceiving JT. That bear? That's my pimp.
Oooh. I want a pimp cover in thick fur too...
What on earth does Bootylicious Bling need with a pimp? norby
"antics"? "antics"???? I behaved in a most sober and restrained way I'll have you know, missy...
Honest, guv'nor!
But B'Con is great and the Jordans - - ahhh, lovely folks they are, too and well deserving of the win.
And nothing beats the Al and Duane show. The rest of us on the panel were merely an adjunct to their scarifying antics.
Oh, squeeeee! You got your picture taken with Satan! I'm so jealous. (Shhh, don't tell Konrath I'm a fan-girl :-)
It's wonderful what you're doing with Love Without Boundaries. Don't go knocking your contribution, now! And WOOT on the print issues of Spinetingler!
wow. so many GREAT photos. love the one of you and joe. and you and julia.
JT, not going there!
Norby, he growls better than I do. ;)
Russel, it's the restraints we should talk about. Your doctor needs something without velcro.
SW, you worship Satan? That's wrong on so many levels!
Anne, I'm not done yet with the photos! Can you believe it?!
I'll adopt some day too, Sandra. If my life was more settled I'd have a couple of foster children already. It's a dream of mine :)
Ugh, that picture. Just so everyone knows, the camera adds forty pounds. (But somehow not to Sandra).
I can't imagine what's offensive about the word "Spanking." I use it all day long, but only in a threatening mother sort of way. Like, "Are you going to stop hitting him, or are you interested in a spanking?"
Well at least it looks like you had a fabulous time
"Tehnical trouble" = "Wow, I didn't realize that Duane and Al sound like giggling idiots." Maybe it's better left in the vault...
And don't discount Al so quickly as the master of snorkeling. That boy can do anything he puts his mind to. Or, er, other parts, as it were.
Uh, Duane? Speaking from personal experience here? Thanks. I think...
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