Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm not a very funny person...

I bought a used sense of humour through the bargain finder, and I'm not sure it works most days.

But Terrenoire had me gasping for air and crying like a baby.

And that while he was still behaving.

Right, real post below. But I have to wave a flag and send everyone to read this. Too fuckin' funny.


Sandra Ruttan said...

Not as funny as David!

Lisa Hunter said...

OMG! He's hilariously brilliant. Thanks for the introduction! (To Terrenoire, not the available single man).

Sandra Ruttan said...

LOL Lisa! You sure he isn't your type?

(Seriously, what a bio. David's blog is one of my little habits now. A few hours without and I start quivering like a leaf in a stiff breeze!)

Lisa Hunter said...

He may replace my current favorite humorous site:

It features 30-second movie reinactments, starring cartoon bunnies. You have to see it to believe it.

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...'re funnier than he is!

Actually I thought is was kinda' sad...there WILL be some women out there who will try to find him, thinking that was real

David Terrenoire said...


You are too kind.

What I find disturbing is, I really don't try to be funny. This, believe it or not, is how I see the world.

Is that weird? People tell it's weird.

And Bonnie doesn't love me 'cause I'm a mean ole heathen, I know.

Now I have to go sacrifice a goat to ITW.


Sandra Ruttan said...

Well David, if this is just how you see the world, may there be more people with your vision and the willingness to share it!

I love your blog! You rotten heathen. Can you deal with a goat for me as well? I'm dealing with a deadline...

anne frasier said...


i turned off word verification and i'm still waiting for the man with the giant penis.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Maybe you just don't talk trashy enough Anne! You need to discuss blow jobs, oral sex etc.

David Terrenoire said...

Was someone looking for me?

Sandra Ruttan said...

Oh, there you go Anne! Source revealed!

anne frasier said...

oh, Cynthia Plastercaster.

calling Ms Plastercaster.

Sandra Ruttan said...

You know, if you read any one of these statements out of context, it can be really bad.

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Aw, David...who loves ya' baby? LOL

There's always hope...LOL...I will pray for you my child!!! LOL

(I'm not gonna' tell you what I'm gonna pray...ROFLOL!)

Sandra Ruttan said...

Liz, I'm afraid there can. Haven't you seen Trailer Park Boys?