Welcome to my yesterday.
Here’s what I remember:
In desperation I turned to some debut authors of 2006 and a few good friends to help me out with my Killer Year blog post.
(And it isn’t like there isn’t already enough about me online, what with part 1 of a new interview going up today. Thanks Chris. It’s neat to be a guest on someone else’s blog.)
This is why I couldn’t use the printer. But if I hadn’t taken the photo, recall might have been sketchy.

This is the most innovative way to bring media attention to a problem that I’ve seen in a while. Maybe the Killer Year boys should bare all...
And nobody makes me laugh the way Ken Bruen does.
Seriously, the post is over at Killer Year, and it is not filled with pearls of wisdom or witty banter from me. Instead, authors share memorable moments from their career and talk about what they’ve learned.
You're obviously nicer than me, I would have used the printer just to see the cat jump. And I like cats. norby
Well, that's Buttons. She's our mommy cat, and she gets precious little peace from the others, so I make exceptions for her. She really just likes being by the window, although with how cold it's been, I can't imagine why. Brrrr.
Where do I send the photo of my jibblies?
Did you lose Joe's email address again Bill? ;)
My sister's cats are big on the windows too. They love her balcony doors. Then Linus starts thinking Charlie is hogging the space and starts swatting and funtime is over. norby
Yeah, well Stuart climbs the curtains.
Stuart is a few bulbs short of a full string of Christmas lights, I tell you.
Charlie's new favorite toy is wooden spoons. It doesn't matter how deep you bury them in the sink, he'll find them. He's constantly causing trouble, but the moment someone rings the buzzer to be let in the building, he's under the bedcovers. norby
Happiness is a warm printer.
Cute kitty!
Not being able to remember what you did yesterday is a either a symptom of A) having been kidnapped by aliens or B) being a debut author. Or C) both.
That's what you get when you leave those things on (I've got the exact same model -- of printer, and almost cat). My small black cat came running whenever I turned on the dot matrix. I was afraid she'd get rolled inside.
Eileen, right now I'll settle for a warm blanket. And a mug of tea.
Lisa, the one thing about being kidnapped by aliens is that then I'd definitely have something to write about!
Jack, you know what I worry about? The shredder. The cats love to lie on top of that. I won't let Kevin keep it plugged in, just in case.
I can identify with the being busy part...I don't even have time to breath, let alone blog surf!
Nice interview, Sandra!
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