Saturday, January 06, 2007

Practice at Narcissism

One thing I've never wanted my blog to be about is just my book. The thought of blogging continuously about how I wrote my book, why I wrote this book, where the characters came from, where the idea came from, blah blah blah...

The idea of doing that bores me to tears.

So, I promise all of you that I'm not going to post continuously about the book...But I do have a few things to share.

1. The book is up on Amazon. I have been assured that it will be listed as available to purchase any moment now.

2. The release date has been updated on Barnes and Noble (see link on the sidebar). No longer shipping in four weeks, Stephen, but shipping in 24 hours. So there! Which means that yes, my book really is available tomorrow.

3. I'm on Amazon UK. I'm also on something called Amazon UK marketplace. Hopefully there will be pictures there soon.

There is one thing I want to share, and that's the first review to hit DorothyL.

Suspicious Circumstances
by Sandra Ruttan
TICO Publishing, January 2007

I think it’s fair to say that Sandra Ruttan’s first novel has been eagerly awaited on this list, by myself included. It’s out this month, and I was pleased to receive an ARC from Sandra.

Suspicious Circumstances tells a dark tale of crime and corruption in a Connecticut suburb that behaves like Smalltown Anywhere. The main characters are a newspaper reporter and a police detective who investigate in tandem, though they come together reluctantly at first. Watching them reconcile to each other as they are drawn deeper into the crimes is a large part of the enjoyment of this book.

I expect other readers and reviewers will comment here on the strong characters and rewardingly complex plot, so I’ll leave that to them. What I want to emphasize is the striking style in which Sandra writes: It’s episodic, cinematic, and highly effective. Most unique is her method of advancing the storyline almost entirely through dialogue. That dialogue is neat, crisp, precise, and where appropriate, witty. There is very little physical or narrative description, but when it occurs it’s well done, as for example when introducing a new character or place. Although I was occasionally confused by dialogue without the
usual tag lines (the he-said, she-said stuff), that’s a part of her unique style, which can only grow smoother with practice and should make her a stand-out in our crowded field.

Suspicious Circumstances has already begun to receive accolades both here and in Canada and the UK. Way to go, Sandra!

Diana Bane

I know Diana to be an astute reviewer, to be tough and honest. I was floored by her review. It made my day.

Coming Monday: Day 1 of what it's like to be an author. Just kidding. That would drive me mad, and drive all of you away! Besides, I vent so much unhealthy anger into my rant posts, I'd probably have a heart attack if I bottled it up.

Now I'm going to do something else that I don't like. Off to go shopping...


angie said...

That was a great review, Sandra. Congrats - may SC sell in vast quantities and the reviews continue to be sparkling.

Loved Bill's customer review on Amazon, btw. Very superduperpow.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Sandra! FanTASTIC review!! You must be so excited! And don't worry, aspiring authors like me enjoy hearing about your progress. Best to you, and Happy New Year!!!

anne frasier said...


Anonymous said...

Bastards still saying it's not shipping until the end of January. Should have waited for Amazon.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Angie, may you be a fortune teller!

Elizabeth, thanks. Overwhelmed is probably closer to the truth, I'd say.

Thanks Anne! And thanks for your blog post today Anne!

Stephen, unreal. Maybe that will change once it actually ships. I know they try to create a buffer zone between release (Jan. 7) and availability. Here Rankin's last book was listed for release Oct. 2 but it was after the 16th before it hit stores...

Lisa Hunter said...

You hate shopping? No future in chick lit for you! Good thing you're a rave-reviewed thriller writer. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Anne already wooted you, so I daren't woot, but... um...



Congrats. :)

Anonymous said...

Damn good review. Bodes well for your launch period.

Ooh, too much excitement to handle!

Sandra Ruttan said...

Lisa, alas, I have to be in just the right mood to shop. And yesterday was particularly bad, because the night before I'd put a tack through my foot and it still hurt like hell to walk. The thought of wandering around the mall was a bit much!

bekbek, thanks so much! That Anne, she's a woot. I don't even think I knew the word until I met Anne!

Daniel, I agree. There shall be a moratorium on excitement.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Hey, I don't mind (actually prefer) a reminder now and then. True, I don't read blogs that just list "news," but please, keep mentioning it. I don't want to forget to buy it, and I really want to read it. :-)

But I'm off to put it on my list now, I promise! I'm intrigued!

Sandra Ruttan said...

Thanks spyscribbler, although I could always just post a reminder to you once a week or so! That could work!

I'm really humbled by all the support and encouragement guys. Thank you.

Mindy Tarquini said...

I have ordered. Suspicious Circumstances should be hitting my mailbox in a week's time.

Congratulations, Sandra.

Molto bene.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Thanks Mindy! I promise to some day drop by and sign it for you!

Tracy Sharp - Author of the Leah Ryan Series said...

Congrats Sandra!! Awesome review and so well deserved!!